Terms and Conditions effective from July 2024
Click here to view the Terms and Conditions effective from July 2024

The Bectu Photographic Technicians Branch Recommended Terms and Conditions is now on its third revision and effective from July 2024.

We are pleased to present here both the full terms and the short form version. 

Each year the branch as a whole has the opportunity to revise the terms over  feedback questionnaires and sessions prior to the AGM (usually in January).  We are always keen to hear feedback on the Terms and Conditions so please feel free to get in touch via the link below if you have any comments.

Contact Us

Short Form 

The short form Terms and Conditions offers an overview of some of the key points in the Bectu Photographic Technicians Branch Recommended Terms and Conditions. 

Agreement to the short form Terms and Conditions is by default agreement to all details in the full Terms and Conditions.

Short Form Branch Terms and Conditions

The Bectu Photographic Technicians Branch is a Trade Union for Lighting and Digital Technicians working within the photographic industry. 

Using Format